Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analysis of Design for the Real World Book Essay

Analysis of Design for the Real World Book - Essay Example Factors such as market preference always overshadow the ability of the designer to achieve the full potential of any plan conceived. In turn, most designers will seek to satisfy the market preferences first rather than moral and social responsibility. This trend is common with many designers and it has been so for the last few years. It paramount that checks and balances are put in place to protect the designs from deviating so much into the markets. It is very easy for a designer to be consumed by the happenings of a market, so much that he forgets to put in his social and moral responsibility to the society. What this means is that the designs that the particular designer will be dealing with will have more of a sales direction rather than the ethics and responsibilities to nature and humanity. Now the role of a designer as an advocate does not exist. Things are put in the market for the reason that someone or some entity feels that there might be some remittance from introducing a new product. For example, a chair manufacturing company will introduce a new chair to the market only to get some extra coins from the sales. The designers will have to come up with new designs that are not in the market now. Some of the social and moral responsibilities will be broken in order for them to come up with the perfect design. The design might not be perfect but as long as it satisfies the market needs, the bosses will authorize the sale s of the chair. As it, turn out consumer testing must be done on the product before sales are incited. Testing is done regularly on the chairs by asking a group of people to sit on the chair for long hours to see if one of the legs will crumble under the pressure. Sometimes comfort is not in the mind of a designer who is market-oriented.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Research Technique Essay Example for Free

Research Technique Essay Suppose your sociology instructor has asked you to do a study of homelessness. Which research technique (survey, observation, experiment, existing sources) would you find the most useful? How would you use that technique to complete your assignment? If my sociology instructor has asked me to do a study of homelessness, I will choose the observation research technique because I think this method is the most useful to me. In definition, observation means collecting information through direct participation and/or by watching a group or community engaged, which means, this is a technique which researchers observe carefully the behaviors of people involved in their hypothesis. Although there are various types of observational research techniques (naturalistic observation, participant observation†¦), each of them has both strengths and weaknesses. Personally, I believe participant observation is the most suitable method for the study of homelessness. Firstly, this technique allows me to gain information in my own point of view as I’m the observer and participant as well. Secondly, by using this method, the subject behaviors (homeless people) remain natural, therefore, giving the results high validity and reliability. Thirdly, it’s flexible as I can myself test the hypotheses and be able to redefine possible personal conceptions. Fourthly, by directing involving the research, my results will contain highly-detailed, high-quality information about the homelessness’s behaviors. However, this technique also has some disadvantage. First, it’s likely for me to have a close relationship with others which may influence the results. Second, it’s quite difficult for me to be accepted in the group (maybe I’m too different from them). Third, this technique requires a great deal of skill and commitment from the researchers. I must have the ability to fit-in with the people being observed and the ability to communicate naturally to them without letting them know my purposes. Finally, I have to make sure that I have enough money, time, resources, skills and support to go through this research. More details about my study. After having finished 3 important steps (defining the problem, reviewing the literature, formulating the hypothesis), I’ll continue the fourth step: collecting and analyzing data by using the observation technique (participant observation). I’ll join the homeless communities, which usually gather to sleep in the parks, under the bridges or in the verandas of the private or public houses†¦It’d be easier for me to participate if I can show them for sure that I’m a real homeless person (little money, no mobile phone, have acceptable reason to become homeless, dirty clothes†¦). The length of my stays are going to be about 6 months to 1 year as this time is long enough for me to have a generally view about this problem (however, it mainly depend on the time which the instructor allows me to so that I can limit/expand the areas researched). During the time I’m homeless, I’ll try to gain the acceptance in the group studied in order to collect the information needed without raising close relations or letting them know who I am, which will affect the conclusion of my study. Then, I’ll listen to their stories about the reason why they become homeless (of course I must have a reason for myself), observe their feeling, their behaving in life as well as their attitudes about their present conditions. Besides, I also have to try fulfill my study by finding the answers for these following questions: 1. How did they become homeless? (different people will have different answers) 2. Do they feel like the government is helping them to reduce homelessness? 3. How has being homeless affected them? (difficulties in all aspects) 4. What are the main causes of people becoming homeless? 5. What should the government do to help the homeless people? 6. The link between being homeless and having social diseases (HIV, syphilis†¦) 7. Where do the homelessness rates have the highest/lowest percentage? What are the differences in these areas? These 5 questions are the basic information that I have to find the answers by asking directly through normal conversations, by observing, by listening†¦ Besides, I think I can conclude some other useful results so as to have a general overview to support for my study thank to the time I’m being homeless. My conclusion will include these data: 1. Trends in homelessness recently. 2. Characteristics of persons experiencing homelessness 3. Causes of homelessness 4. Effect of homelessness. 5. Homeless policy initiatives 6. How different places have different rate of homelessness. Reasons? Solutions (If I can) 7. Outlook for the future (solutions) Finally, I’ll finish the final step: developing the conclusion base on the data I have to support or redefine the hypothesis.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Infectious Episode of Streptococcus Pyogenes and Treatment

Infectious Episode of Streptococcus Pyogenes and Treatment A B C D Morphology appearance on AGAR Cocci. Cocci in clusters, short chains, diplococci and single cocci. Thin swabbed orange pigment from plate. Surrounded by zones of clear beta-hemolysis. Cocci. Large round pale opaque grey colonies surrounded by zones of clear beta-hemolysis. Shiny. Bacilli. Small rod pale opaque grey colonies. Translucent. Shiny. Bacilli. Medium size colonies. Dark grey green. Gram Reaction Purple. Positive. Purple. Positive. Pink. Negative. Pink. Negative. Oxidase Negative. Positive. Catalase Negative. Positive. Coagulase Positive. Strep Grouping Latex Positive for group A. Presumptive Identification ? Streptococcus pyogenes. Staphylococcus aureus. Enterobacteria. Pseudomonas species. A = Streptococcus pyogenes. To further confirm that sample A is Streptococcus pyogenes you can undergo a PYR test. The PYR test is a rapid colorimetric method which tests for the presence of the enzyme pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase present in the microorganism. The enzyme hydrolyses L-pyrrolidonyl-ÃŽÂ ²-naphthylamide (PYR) to ÃŽÂ ²-naphthylamide, which produces a red colour when a cinnamaldehyde reagent is added. Paper strips are used to perform the test. A positive result for this test shows the typical morphology of S. pyogenes (Ferretti et al, 2016). Streptococcus pyogenes can also be tested by bacitracin test due to their sensitivity towards it. The test is used because other streptococci is resistant to bacitracin. A bacitracin test is undergone by making a subculture of the S. pyogenes on sheep blood agar. The bacterial strain S. pyogenes being tested is streaked with individual colonies of a culture which is pure from an SBA agar plate and a disk containing 0.04 units of bacitracin is put onto the SBA plate. Incubation overnight at a temperature of 35Â °C in CO2 (5%) then occurs. A zone of inhibition surrounding the disc indicates the susceptibility of the strain (Ferretti et al, 2016). B = Staphylococcus aureus. To further confirm that sample B is Staphylococcus aureus the thermostable DNase test can be used. The thermostable DNAse test is performed using the agar diffusion method. 2ml aliquot of broth of the blood culture is boiled for a duration of 15 minutes and then allowed to cool to room temperature. Holes of six-millimetres are cut in toluidine blue DNase agar plates. 100Â µl of the boiled culture broth is placed into the well and then incubated at 37oC. Tests are read during 2 and 4 hours. The PPVs and NPVs for the culture is calculated as well as sensitivities and specificities. A result of 100% sensitivity means S. aureus is present (Lagace-Wiens et al, 2007). To distinguish whether the strain is MSSA or MRSA a cefoxitin test is carried out. Susceptibility to cefoxitin is determined by the diffusion disc method on Mueller-Hinton agar plates. A suspension of the organisms is adjusted to 0.5x MacFarland standard, diluted to 1:100 and inoculated onto the Mueller-Hinton agar by streaking the agar surface all over. 30-Â µg cefoxitin disks are applied and the plates are incubated at 37oC for 24 hours. An isolate is an MRSA strain if the cefoxitin inhibition zone diameter is less than or equal to 21 mm (Boutiba-Ben Boubaker et al, 2004). C= Enterobacteria. To further confirm what enterobacteria sample c is, further tests need to be undertaken. To see if sample c is a type of Escherichia bacteria use the lipase test. The test sees if the bacteria uses corn oil as a source of carbon and energy for growth. The result will be negative (if Escherichia) because the colour will be unchanged as no lipase is present (, n.d.-b). To see if the sample is a Yersinia bacteria the lysine decarboxylase test can be used. The test sees if the bacteria can use lysine as a source of carbon and energy for growth. The result will be negative (if Yersinia) because of lack of colour change to yellow at 24 hours and back to purple at 48 hours (, n.d.-c). To see if the sample is a Salmonella bacteria use the maltose test. The result will be negative (if Salmonella) due to magenta or hot pink in colour (, n.d.-a). The citrate test needs to be undertaken to see if the sample is a Shigella bacteria. The test is a test used to assess the ability of the bacteria to utilize sodium citrate and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate. If the sample is a Shigella bacteria then the result for this test will be negative as there will be no colour change as the colour will stay deep forest green (Acharya, 2013). D = Pseudomonas species. To further confirm that sample D is Pseudomonas species a methyl red test can be used. The methyl red test is a test which detects the production of sufficient acid when glucose is fermented and the conditions are maintained such that the pH of the previous culture is kept below the value of 4.5, which is shown by the colour change of the methyl red indicator which is added when the period of incubation finishes. The result of this test for Pseudomonas species is negative because there is no change in colour when methyl red is added. The colour stays yellow (Online Microbiology Notes, 2014a). Another test that can be used is the voges-proskauer (VP) test. The test is a test used to see whether the pathogen produces acetylmethyl carbinol from glucose fermentation. If acteylmethyl carbinol is present it is converted to diacetyl in the presence of ÃŽÂ ±-naphthol, strong alkali and oxygen. Diacetyl found in the peptones in the broth is then condensed to form a pinkish red polymer. The result of this test for Pseudomonas species is negative because acetylmethyl carbinol is not present in Pseudomonas species (Online Microbiology Notes, 2014b). Infectious episode of Streptococcus pyogenes and treatment Streptococcus pyogenes is one of the most important pathogens that cause skin and soft-tissue infections and is also associated with septicaemia and other severe complications (Segal et al, 2005). An example of a disease caused by Streptococcus pyogenes is scarlet fever. Scarlet fever is a contagious bacterial infection which affects children between 5 and 18 years old. It is spread by contact of droplets from the cough and sneezes of an infected person. Fever and sore throat is the first stage of illness. There also may be chills, vomiting and abdominal pain. The tongue is swollen and has a whitish coating. Throat and tonsils become very red and sore, and swallowing becomes incredibly painful. After one or two days of the illness, a rash appears which is red in colour. Strep bacteria of the strain produce a toxin (poison) that causes people to break out in the rash. The rash appears first on the neck, underarm, and groin, which then spreads throughout the body. The rashes are small, flat red blotches that gradually change into fine bumps and feel like sandpaper. The cheeks have a flushed appearance, but there may also be a pale area around the mouth. Around the underarm, elbow, and groin the skin creases are brighter than the rest of the rash. These rashes are termed pastias lines. Complications of kidney damage, hepatitis, vasculitis, septicaemia, congestive heart failure and death may occur (Davis, n.d.). Scarlet fever can be treated with antibiotics. A strep test is needed. The test involves swabbing the throat to confirm whether group A streptococcus is creating the illness. If it is positive, prescription of antibiotics is needed. Antibiotics allows scarlet fever patients recover sooner and protect people from catching the disease (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). Infectious episode of Staphylococcus aureus and treatment Staphylococcus aureus can cause endocarditis. Endocarditis occurs when the bacteria adheres to the cardiac valve. Bacteria can colonize the vegetation composed of fibrin and platelets (Keynan and Rubinstein, 2013). S. aureus enters the bloodstream due to healthcare procedures because of the dentogen pathway or drug use. Bacteria adhere extremely fast usually within minutes to an injured valve surface via deposition on platelet fibrin. It also adheres to inflamed valve surface. S. aureus enters via an intracellular route to the valve endothelium which contributes to inflammation and aggressive tissue destruction by the bacteria. The increase of bacteria on and in the endothelium leads to maturation of vegetation on the valve. Spreading of pathogens occurs from embolization of vegetation particles. This leads to complications such as stroke, haemorrhage, meningitis or reaction to the meningeal, brain abscess, and mycotic aneurysm (Werdan et al, 2013). There are many impacts of endocard itis which are physical and emotional. In the acute phase, unpleasant symptoms can be experienced which include high temperature, chills, loss of appetite, headache, muscle and joint pain, night sweats, shortness of breath and persistent coughs. People who suffer from endocarditis experience complications of blood supply to the brain which is affected. Worry and anxiety can occur which creates symptoms such as a racing heart, increased breathing rate, a dry mouth, sweating, tingling and feeling dizzy. Low mood and depression also occurs because of endocarditis. When patients feel unwell and are being stuck in a hospital they can become sad. Feeling of hopelessness about the future and lacking in energy and drive can also occur. Struggling to enjoy the things you used to enjoy and feeling bad about yourself or criticised by others along with not being able to sleep or eat well occurs as well (Coping after Endocarditis, n.d.). Endocarditis is treated with a course of antibiotics or su rgery (, 2016). Infectious episode of Enterobacteria and treatment Enterobacteria such as E. coli can cause gastroenteritis. E. coli enters the gastrointestinal tract and attaches to the lining of the intestinal mucosa where it secretes enterotoxins. Invasion of the intestinal mucosa does not occur. Toxins produced by the bacteria affect absorptions of nutrients and causes the cells of the intestinal mucosa to secrete electrolytes and water. Evidence of this will be in the form of profuse watery diarrhoea including vomiting which starts in 12 to 48 hours after ingestion. Other E. coli strains invade the cells of the mucosa and cause stress ulcers and bleeding. This creates inflammatory diarrhoea commonly associated with diarrhoea which sometimes can be bloody and there is a huge amount of abdominal pain. Toxins which E. coli produce present in foods causes secretory diarrhoea which is profuse and watery with nausea and vomiting that is very prominent. It is fast acting and symptoms may be evident in less than 12 hours after ingesting contaminated fo od. In some cases, the symptoms may be present in 1 to 6 hours. Patients with gastroenteritis have an increased risk for aortic aneurysm and ulcerative colitis (Ternhag et al, 2008). Treatments for gastroenteritis include antibiotics. Not every case of the disease needs antibiotics. Majority of cases of gastroenteritis are self-limiting and resolve in days. If the E. coli strain is associated with stool culture and persisting symptoms, then antibiotic treatment is needed. Patients which are immunocompromised also need antibiotics. Antidiarrheal agents can also be used to treat gastroenteritis. Antidiarrheal agents are used when symptoms are persisting even when antibiotics have been taken. The use of the agent is dependent on a case by case and needs to be consulted with a medical doctor before using an antidiarrheal agent. If a persistent diarrhoea is present then probiotics may also be needed (Chris, n.d.). Infectious episode of Pseudomonas species Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the type specie for Pseudomonas which can cause bronchopneumonia. It is an inflammation of the lungs characterized by foci of consolidation surrounded by normal parenchyma. Bronchopneumonia affects one or more lobes, being frequently bilateral and basal (, 2014). When a person suffers from bronchopneumonia the lung parenchyma is attacked by the bacteria. An immune inflammatory response is triggered in response to this. Because of this, the alveolar sacs fill with exudate. Consolidation then occurs when the air space is replaced by the exudate (fluid). Also there are multiple areas which is isolated of consolidation, affecting various pulmonary lobes (, 2016). Lobular bronchopneumonia can lead to lobar pneumonia. Exudate starts to build up in the basal lobes. The affectation from this disease is bilateral. The lesions diameter vary between 2 and 4 cm and the lesions turn yellow or grey in colour, is dry and centred on a bronc hiole. As well as this, their delimitation is not clear and the lesions become united. Suppurative exudate gathers due to inflammation in the bronchioles. As more bronchioles suffer inflammation, the congestion experienced by the patient becomes more extensive. Between the areas of consolidation, the parenchyma remains normal and aerated (, 2016). The effect of bronchopneumonia includes coughing and fever which makes breathing become difficult. If it is not treated mortality can be as high as 40%. If bronchopneumonia becomes severe the outer lining of the lungs and the inner lining of the chest becomes inflamed making breathing even more painful (Quinn, n.d.). If a person has bacterial bronchopneumonia antibiotics are prescribed. Antibiotics will destroy the bacteria causing the infection. Most people feel better within one to three days after starting antibiotics. Fever reducer or cough medication for bronchopneumonia may also be prescribed. These medications can h elp relieve symptoms, but does not cure the patient (Martel, 2015). Bibliography Acharya, T. (2013). Citrate utilization test: Principle, Procedure, expected results and positive organisms microbeonline. [Online] microbeonline. Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2017]. Boutiba-Ben Boubaker, I., Ben Abbes, R., Ben Abdallah, H., Mamlouk, K., Mahjoubi, F., Kammoun, A., Hammami, A. and Ben Redjeb, S. (2004). Evaluation of a cefoxitin disk diffusion test for the routine detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 10(8), pp.762-765. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). Scarlet Fever. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Mar. 2017]. Chris, D. (n.d.). What is Bacterial Gastroenteritis? Pathophysiology and Treatment | [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2017]. Coping after Endocarditis. (n.d.). 1st ed. [PDF] London: Imparts, pp.1-13. Available at: [Accessed 15 Mar. 2017]. Davis, C. (n.d.). Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina) Symptoms, Treatment, Causes What is the prognosis of scarlet fever? What are the long-term effects of scarlet fever? MedicineNet. [Online] MedicineNet. Available at: [Accessed 17 Mar. 2017]. Ferretti, J., Stevens, D. and Fischetti, V. (2016). Streptococcus pyogenes : Basic Biology to Clinical Manifestations. 1st ed. [ebook] Oklahoma City: University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, pp.875-891. 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[Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2017]. Werdan, K., Dietz, S., LÃ ¶ffler, B., Niemann, S., Bushnaq, H., Silber, R., Peters, G. and MÃ ¼ller-Werdan, U. (2013). Mechanisms of infective endocarditis: pathogen-host interaction and risk states. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 11(1), pp.35-50.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free College Essays - Comparison of Macbeth and Lord of the Flies :: comparison compare contrast essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Macbeth is one of the protagonist in a Shakespeare play "Macbeth". Jack is also a protagonist in the novel "Lord of the Flies".   The following essay will outline the differences and similarities of these two characters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are five similarities between Jack and Macbeth. Firstly, they were both leader of some kind.   Jack was a leader of a choir group while Macbeth was a co-leader of Duncan's army.   Secondly, they were brave.   Jack was brave, he went up to the top of the hill by himself and searched for the beast.   Macbeth was brave too, he won the battle in the beginning of the story.   Thirdly, they were both ambitious. Jack was the leader of the hunting party in the beginning of the story, but he wanted to become the leader of the entire group on the island.   Macbeth wanted to become the king of Scotland after having the conversation with the three witches. Fourthly, they both became more cruel as they gained more power.   After Jack formed his own group and set up a camp on Castle Rock, he became more cruel than before.   For Macbeth, he hesitated six times before killing Duncan.   But when he planned to kill Banquo and Macduff's family, he didn't hesitated and killed them without regret.   Lastly, they were both superstitious.   Jack was superstitious, he worshipped the Lord of the Flies and held a ritual dance around the camp fire after sacrificing the pig. For Macbeth, he believed in the fortune telling of the three witches. (Quote: All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis.   All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor.   All hail Macbeth, that should become king here after.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are five differences between Jack and Macbeth. Firstly, their ages were different.   Jack was a teenager while Macbeth was an adult with a wife.   Secondly, they have different endings.   Macbeth was killed in the end of the story while Jack was rescued.   Thirdly, Jack kills to consolidate his power while Macbeth kills to success his goal.   Jack's goal was achieved in the middle of the story, he had to maintain his power over others.   For Macbeth, he had to kill other people in order to have a chance

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thou Blind Mans Mark

Life leads us to excessive wishes that often result in a man’s downfall. Sir Philip Sidney in the passionate â€Å"Thou Blind Man’s Mark† portrays his hypocrisy towards desire and shows how it influenced to their downfall and destruction. In his sonnet, Sidney uses metaphor, alliteration, repetition and personification to convey his feelings for desire. Throughout â€Å"Thou Blind Man’s Mark† Sidney uses metaphors that clearly illustrates the effects of desire on one’s life. He begins with the metaphor of desire as a â€Å"blind man’s markâ€Å", the title of the poem, that shows desire is aimless.He then goes on to call desire â€Å"fools chosen snare† illustrating that desire is an act of foolishness, moreover he adds weight to his accusations by comparing desire to the â€Å"web of will† a difficulty brought by men upon themselves.. The use of these metaphors allows the reader to understand his views that to desire c ould be counted as the biggest mistake of a person’s life. Sidney continues to convey his dislike of desire with the use of alliteration. He uses alliteration to parallel desire and increases the reader’s interest in the poem.The repetition of specific words emphasizes his negative thoughts on desire. For example he says â€Å"cradle of causeless care†. This focuses on the idea that desire can cause one to care about someone for no real reason. He uses this technique again when he says, â€Å"with price of mangled mind†, a similar idea that while trying to accomplish a foolish task he yet didn’t achieve anything but still lost his sanity. Other example includes â€Å"fond fancy’s scum† where the poet compares desire to dirt, and illustrates that it is an addiction.Sidney also uses repetition to highlight his consistent encounters with desire. His repetition of â€Å"too long! † shows his frustration with desire and the long ter m effects it has on him. It is clear that Sidney is unhappy with the way desire had effected his actions and decisions he has made in his life. He also repeats â€Å"in vain† that discusses the impact of desire on is life and how it hurts the people that feel desire. He used personification to mortalize his enemy and show life to his hatred of desire.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Effect of Social Media

Johnson & Wales University [email  protected] MBA Student Scholarship The Alan Shawn Feinstein Graduate School 11-1-2011 The Effects of Social Media on College Students Qingya Wang Johnson & Wales University – Providence, [email  protected] edu Wei Chen Johnson & Wales University – Providence Yu Liang Johnson & Wales University – Providence, [email  protected] edu Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarsarchive. jwu. edu/mba_student Part of the Education Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Repository Citation Wang, Qingya; Chen, Wei; and Liang, Yu, â€Å"The Effects of Social Media on College Students† (2011).MBA Student Scholarship. Paper 5. http://scholarsarchive. jwu. edu/mba_student/5 This Research Paper is brought to you for free and open access by the The Alan Shawn Feinstein Graduate School at [email  protected] It has been accepted for inclusion in MBA Student Scholarship by an authorized administrator of [em ail  protected] For more information, please contact [email  protected] edu. Running Head: EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS 1 The Effects of Social Media on College Students Qingya Wang, Wei Chen, and Yu Liang Johnson &Wales University Feinstein Graduate SchoolRSCH5500-Research & Analysis Submitted to Professor Martin Sivula, Ph. D. November, 2011 Peer Reviewers: Frederic Juillet , Anne Catelotti, Jennifer Gay, Rohan Kichlu, Christina L. Blundin, and Volha Ban 2 EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS Abstract As social media sites continue to grow in popularity, it is our premise that technology is a vital part in today’s student success equation. This descriptive, exploratory research study drew a random sample (N=48) of males (n=26) and females (n=22) who were administered a student perception questionnaire on how social media affects college students.Thirty-five percent of the participants were undergraduates and 65% were graduate students, studying at Johnson & Wales University. Thirty-one percent of participants have full-time jobs, 30% have part-time jobs and 39% do not have jobs. The results of the survey questionnaire indicate that 45% of the sample admitted that they spent 6-8 hours per day checking social media sites, while 23% spent more than 8 hours; 20% spent 2-4 hours and only 12% spent less than 2 hours on this task.Results indicate while most college students use social media and spend many hours checking social media sites, there was a negative aspect to college students’ use of social media. Key Words: social media, college students, learning efficiency 3 EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS Introduction The definition of social media is â€Å"the relationships that exist between network of people† (Walter & Riviera, 2004). In the last ten years, the online world has changed dramatically. Thanks to the invention of social media, young men and women now exchange ideas, feelings, personal informat ion, pictures and videos at a truly astonishing rate.Seventy-three percent of wired American teens now use social media websites (Oberst, 2010). Schill (2011) states that the social media sites encourage negative behaviors for teen students such as procrastination (catching up with friends), and they are more likely to drink and drug. However, every day, many students are spending countless hours immersed in social media, such as Facebook, MySpace, World of Warcraft, or Sim City. At first glance this may seem like a waste of time; however it also helps students to develop important knowledge and social skills, and be active citizens who create and share content.At present, whether social media is favorable or unfavorable, many students utilize these sites on a daily basis. As social media sites continue to grow in popularity it is our belief that technology is a vital part of today’s student success equation. Many researchers have been diving into a considerable amount of res earch on how social media influences student retention at colleges. Many parents are worried that their college students are spending too much time on Facebook and other social media sites and not enough time studying.Therefore, our research ascertains the relationship between the social media and students’ study efficiency. 4 EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS Statement of Problem To address the issue of the effectiveness of using social networking, the first question raised in this study is: for what purpose is the student utilizing social networking? Research on this topic will start to reveal social networking sites are simply part of how students interact with each other with no apparent impact on grades.Thus, the objective of this research is to explore the advantages and disadvantages of students’ use of social networking for study. The main purpose of this research is to expand on previous research, explore the relationship between the effects of socia l networking and students’ study efficiency, and to determine if social media interfering with students’ academic lives. Research Questions: Which is the most popular social media site for students? What is the amount of time students spend utilizing social media in various academic processes? Review f the Literature College students have great interest in social media. For the purpose of this study, social media was defined as Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Twitter, MySpace or LinkedIn (Martin, 2008). Although, providing a detailed perspective on social media use among university students and underscoring that such use can produce both positive and negative consequences, according to a Nielsen Media Research study, in June 2010, almost 25 percent of students’ time on the Internet is now spent on social networking websites (Jacobsen, & Forste, 2011).Facebook is the most used social network by college students, followed by YouTube and Twitter. Moreover, Facebook alone reports 5 EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS that it now has 500 active million users, 50% of whom log on every day. In addition, according to a study by Online PhD, students spend roughly 100 minutes per day on Facebook. In 2007, the number of students who used Facebook was already enormous: 92 percent of college students had an account. By 2008, 99 percent of students had an account on Facebook.That is quite a large amount considering the service was only opened in 2006 to everyone. On one hand, the positive aspect of online communities is that youths can utilize them for academic assistance and support (Lusk, 2010). Due to the ability of social media to enhance connections by making them easily accessible, social media can yield many benefits for the young, including providing a virtual space for them to explore their interests or problems with similar individuals, academic support, while strengthening online communication skills and knowledge. Students who may be reluc tant to speak up in class are participating in book discussion blogs and writing for real audiences. There are new Web tools emerging all the time that are enhancing learning (Brydolf, 2007). † On the other hand, â€Å"Our findings indicate that electronic media use is negatively associated with grades. We also find that about two-thirds of the students reported using electronic media while in class, studying, or doing homework (Jacobsen, & Forste, 2011). † This multitasking likely increases distraction, something prior research has shown to be detrimental to student performance.As social media websites, such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter gain popularity, they are also are becoming increasingly dangerous as they create modes to procrastinate while trying to complete homework. Hence, in a survey of 102 students, 57% stated that social media has made them less productive. 6 EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS As to the relationship between social media and grad es, a study released by Ohio State University reveals that college students who utilize Facebook spend less time on studying and have lower grades than students who do not use the popular social networking sites (Kalpidou, Costin, & Morris, 2011).Moreover, according to a new study by doctoral candidate Aryn Karpinski of Ohio State University and her co-author, Adam Duberstein of Ohio Dominican University, college students who use the 500 million member social network have significantly lower grade-point averages (GPAs) than those who do not. Nevertheless, another study found no correlation between heavy social media usage and grades. There was no significant difference in grades between those considered to be heavy users of social media and those considered to be light users.Additionally, there was no correlation between grades and the social media platform used. For example, almost the same number of heavy and light users of both Facebook and YouTube received the same percentage hi gh and low grades. Regarding the relationship between using social media with the grades of college students, concurrent with past studies that find that online communication is linked to time spent in offline relationships, â€Å"our findings indicate that Social Networking Site (SNS) use and cellular-phone communication facilitates offline social interaction, rather than replace it (Jacobsen & Forste, 2011)†.Students commonly commented that connect should be invaluable for making friends and supporting each other, especially within the first few weeks after arriving at the University (Oradini & Saunders, 2007). Furthermore, â€Å"The relationship between Facebook and well-being appears to become positive over the college years, possibly because upper-class students use Facebook to connect socially with their peers and participate in college life (Kalpidou, Costin, & Morris, 2011). † EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS Therefore, â€Å"we need to keep in mind that the benefits of this interactive technology far outweigh the risks,† says Leri. â€Å"When it’s used in a positive way, it can be an extraordinary tool (Brydolf, 2007). † Method The purpose of collecting data was to perform a group research on how social media affects college students. In this research, an anonymous questionnaire was administered to collect data which was the standard survey collection method. The total number of questionnaires administered were 50, however the usable questionnaires were (N = 48).According to the respondents, males (n=26) and females (n=22) were involved in this survey. Thirty-five percent of participants were undergraduates and 65% were graduate students currently studying in Johnson & Wales University. Thirty-one percent of participants have full-time jobs, 30% have part-time jobs and 39% do not have jobs. The number of females who have jobs is higher than that of males. This was one part of our anonymous questionnaire. I n the following, other relevant questions were developed to carry out the research.Other questions focused on the lives of students and the feeling of students when they were using different social media. For example, â€Å"How many hours a day do you check your social media site? † and â€Å"Do you post or respond while completing homework? † Also, at the end of the questionnaire, we asked two open questions about the biggest advantage or disadvantage when college students used social media in studying and looking back to the last time that they used social media. The participants were randomly selected regardless of gender or educational level.These questions related to their lives. There were three different perspectives 8 EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS present in the research which included advantage, disadvantage or not sure. However, other independent variables were tried to decrease the impact on the results. Results Sixty percent of participants ar e in favor of Facebook, 22% like Skype, 10% prefer Twitter and 8% like My Space. Sixty-eight percent of the sample reported that they primarily used a laptop to check social media sites; while 20% use a cell phone; and only 12% preferred to use a desktop computer.Forty-five percent of the sample admitted that they spent 6-8 hours per day to check a social media site, 23% spent more than 8 hours, 20% spent 2-4 hours and only 12% spent less than 2 hours. The ratio of participants who posted or responded during school hours was 64%; 15% rarely used social media during school hours; 21% were not sure whether they would like to use it. Eighty percent of the sample reported that they posted or responded while completing homework; 8% would never use social media while doing homework; and 2% were not sure.In terms of the benefit of social media, 20% agreed that social media helps with school assignments; 25% agreed that social media helps to make new friends; and 55% just used social media for fun. Discussion According to the data we collected from the anonymous questionnaire, most college students would prefer to use social media and therefore spent vast hours checking social media sites. Facebook is very popular among college students, even though students would use it when they had classes. Ninety percent of students spent their time on entertainment; there were not too many college students who preferred using social EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS media to deal with their homework. Eighty percent of the sample admitted that they posted or responded while completing homework. It has definitely affected their efficiencies and their grades. Considering the data collected, there was a negative attitude towards social media when college students used them. For instance, imagining one student spent over six hours checking social media site and responded while completing their homework; it would be likely increase distraction of the students which can be det rimental to student performance.Conclusion Our research has revealed that college students were likely to be affected by social media. Social media is attractive; it not only provides college students another world to make friends, also provides a good way to release pressure. To some degree, it absolutely affects the lives of college students including the grades. This research also indicates that an approach is needed to better balance the relationship between social media and academic study. Therefore, college students should think more about the balancing equation of social media and academics.Limitations and Recommendations This study was limited in several aspects. First, the timeframe to collect data was too short. Three to four weeks for the study was not sufficient. Second, a total of 50 questionnaires were administered, however usable questionnaires were 48, so the result may not reflect the real situation for the whole population. With this sample size, the estimated samp le error is 14. 4%, so an increase in sample size might yield different results. And, of course these results might be affected by this very large sample error. 0 EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS Third, this research did not consider student’s psychological state; perhaps influences and motivations for social networking use. Our research indicated that most college students would prefer to use social media and spend many hours checking social media sites. Social networking is definitely affecting students’ efficiencies as well as their grades. Hence, educators need to be concerned about these problems and try to find better ways to solve these problems.Although, framed within an academic context, the concepts outlined here can be utilized to investigate the use of communication technology not only at school, however also at home, workplace, and various other settings, and for a variety of different audiences such as teenagers, young adults, the elderly, or f amilies. For future research, it may be more helpful to measure the social presence besides motivation and pressure, examining how a student’s psychological state influences motivations for social media use.Also, do social media sites have a positive influence on study and academics and are students leveraging them as cited sources in discipline research? 11 EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS References Baldwin, T. T. , Bedell, M. D. , & Johnson, J. L. (1997). The social fabric of a team-Based M. B. A. Program: Network effects on student satisfaction and performance. Academy Of Management Journal, 40(6), 1369-1397. doi:10. 2307/257037 Brydolf, C. (2007). Minding MySpace: Balancing the benefits and risks of students' online social networks. Education Digest, 73(2), 4. Domine, V. 2009). A social history of media, technology and schooling. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 1(1), 42-52. Gerlich, R. , Browning, L. , & Westermann, L. (2010). The social media affinity sc ale: implications for education. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 3(11), 35-41. Jacobsen, W. C. , & Forste, R. (2011). The Wired Generation: Academic and Social Outcomes of Electronic Media Use Among University Students. Junco, R. , Merson, D. , & Salter, D. W. (2010). The Effect of Gender, Ethnicity, and Income on College Students' Use of Communication. Kalpidou, M. , Costin, D. & Morris, J. (2011). The relationship between Facebook and the well-being of undergraduate college students. Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, 14 (4), 183-189. doi:10. 1089/cyber. 2010. 0061. Lusk, B. (2010). Digital natives and social media behaviors: An overview. Prevention Researcher, 173-6. Margaryan, A. , Littlejohn, A. , & Vojt, G. (2011). Are digital natives a myth or reality? University students' use of 12 EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS digital technologies. Computers & Education, 56(2), 429-440. Oberst, L. (2010). The 6S Social Network.Retrieved from: http://sixs entences. ning. com/profile/LindsayOberst Rosen, L. , Lim, A. , Carrier, L. , & Cheever, N. (2011). An empirical examination of the educational impact of text message-induced task switching in the classroom: educational implications and strategies to enhance learning. (2011). Psicologia Educativa, 17(2), 163-177. http://dx. doi. org/10. 5093/ed2011v17n2a4 Schill, R. (2011). Social Networking Teens More Likely to Drink, Use Drugs, Study Finds. Retrieved from: http://jjie. org/teens-on-facebook-more-likely-drink-oruse-drugs-study-finds/20713

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Aquarium Essays - Zoology, Nervous System, Arthropod, Animal, Insect

Aquarium Essays - Zoology, Nervous System, Arthropod, Animal, Insect Aquarium Organism 1,2,3,6,7,8,9 and 10 are from the phylum Chordata. All Chordates shared four major characteristics; a notochord, which provides a skeletal support, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, which develop into the central nerve system, pharyngeal slits, which are openings in the pharynx that develop into gills, and a post-anal tail. Organism 2,7 and 8 are the phylum Mollusca. The animals in this category share many characteristics which are bilateral symmetry,two cell layers, tissues and organs, lack a cavity, posses a through gut with a mouth and anus monomeric and highly variable bodies, may posses shell and calcareous spicules, has a nervous system with a circum-oesophageal ring, ganglia and paired nerve chords, open circulatory systems with a heart and an aorta, has gaseous exchange organs called ctenidial gills, reproduce sexually, feed on a wide variety of materials and live in most environments. Organism 4 is an Arthropoda. Arthropods have a body covered in chitinous cuticle that hardens into an exoskeleton, composed of somites (Metamerism), jointed appendages, ventral nerve cord with ganglia at each segment, open circulatory system and a bilateral symmetric body. Most Arthropods reproduce sexually; however some insects are parthenogenetic. Organism 4 was Porifera. Poriferans are commonly sponges which are sedentary by nature, most of them are marine sponges, cylindrical, have radial symmetry, have a body wall called a diploblastic, their middle layer has various wandering amoebocytes, have many ostia on their body, feed on minute organisms and small organic particles which enter the body through the oscula, have exoskeletons, secrete mainly ammonia, and asexual reproduction takes place by budding or sexual reproduction take place through internal fertilization. Organism 5 and 9 are Cnidaria. Cnidarian organisms are radially symmetrical, have bodies with internal cavity and a mouth, reproduction is sexual or asexual, has a simple net-like nervous system, has a distinct larval stage which planktonic, live in aquatic environments, mostly carnivores otherwise filter feeders, and have minimal skeleton of chiton or calcium carbonate. Organism 6 is echinodermata. These organisms free living, exclusively marine forms, larvae are bilaterally symmetrical while the adults are radially symmetrical, have bodies represented by a central disc covered by ossicles with spines called pedicularia, disc may bear extensions called arms, have a complete digestive system, have a water vascular system, posses tube feet for locomotion and respiration as well as feeding, has a central nervous sytem ring with five radiating nerves, sexual reproduction, development is indirect, and posses an ability to regenerate. For organism 3, the subphylum is Crustacea. Crustacea are primarily aquatic arthropods, but also include terrestrial forms, which have a cephalothorax covered by a carapace. They also have mandible mouthparts, gills for respiration, antennae, and biramous appendages.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Nutrient Absorption in the Digestive System

Nutrient Absorption in the Digestive System Digested molecules of food, as well as water and minerals from the diet, are absorbed from the cavity of the upper small intestine. The absorbed materials cross the mucosa into the blood, mainly, and are carried off in the bloodstream to other parts of the body for storage or further chemical change. This part of the digestive system process varies with different types of nutrients. Nutrient Absorption in the Digestive System Carbohydrates An average American adult eats about half a pound of carbohydrate each day. Some of our most common foods contain mostly carbohydrates. Examples are bread, potatoes, pastries, candy, rice, spaghetti, fruits, and vegetables. Many of these foods contain both starch, which can be digested and fiber, which the body cannot digest. The digestible carbohydrates are broken into simpler molecules by enzymes in the saliva, in juice produced by the pancreas, and in the lining of the small intestine. Starch is digested in two steps: First, an enzyme in the saliva and pancreatic juice breaks the starch into molecules called maltose; then an enzyme in the lining of the small intestine (maltase) splits the maltose into glucose molecules that can be absorbed into the blood. Glucose is carried through the bloodstream to the liver, where it is stored or used to provide energy for the work of the body. Table sugar is another carbohydrate that must be digested to be useful. An enzyme in the lining of the small intestine digests table sugar into glucose and fructose, each of which can be absorbed from the intestinal cavity into the blood. Milk contains yet another type of sugar, lactose, which is changed into absorbable molecules by an enzyme called lactase, also found in the intestinal lining. Protein Foods such as meat, eggs, and beans consist of giant molecules of protein that must be digested by enzymes before they can be used to build and repair body tissues. An enzyme in the juice of the stomach starts the digestion of swallowed protein. Further digestion of the protein is completed in the small intestine. Here, several enzymes from the pancreatic juice and the lining of the intestine carry out the breakdown of huge protein molecules into small molecules called amino acid. These small molecules can be absorbed from the hollow of the small intestine into the blood and then be carried to all parts of the body to build the walls and other parts of cells. Fats Fat molecules are a rich source of energy for the body. The first step in digestion of a fat such as butter is to dissolve it into the water content of the intestinal cavity. The bile acids produced by the liver act as natural detergents to dissolve fat in water and allow the enzymes to break the large fat molecules into smaller molecules, some of which are fatty acids and cholesterol. The bile acids combine with the fatty acids and cholesterol and help these molecules to move into the cells of the mucosa. In these cells, the small molecules are formed back into large molecules, most of which pass into vessels (called lymphatics) near the intestine. These small vessels carry the reformed fat to the veins of the chest, and the blood carries the fat to storage depots in different parts of the body. Vitamins The large, hollow organs of the digestive system contain muscle that enables their walls to move. The movement of organ walls can propel food and liquid and also can mix the contents within each organ. Typical movement of the esophagus, stomach, and intestine is called peristalsis. The action of peristalsis looks like an ocean wave moving through the muscle. The muscle of the organ produces a narrowing and then propels the narrowed portion slowly down the length of the organ. These waves of narrowing push the food and fluid in front of them through each hollow organ. Water and Salt Most of the material absorbed from the cavity of the small intestine is water in which salt is dissolved. The salt and water come from the food and liquid we swallow and the juices secreted by the many digestive glands. In a healthy adult, more than a gallon of water containing over an ounce of salt is absorbed from the intestine every 24 hours. Digestion Control A fascinating feature of the  digestive system  is that it contains its own regulators. Hormone Regulators The major hormones that control the functions of the digestive system are produced and released by cells in the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. These hormones are released into the  blood  of the digestive tract, travel back to the  heart  and through the  arteries, and return to the digestive system, where they stimulate digestive juices and cause organ movement. The hormones that control digestion are gastrin, secretin, and cholecystokinin (CCK): Gastrin causes the stomach to produce an acid for dissolving and  digesting some foods. It is also necessary for the normal growth of the lining of the stomach, small intestine, and colon.Secretin causes the  pancreas  to send out a  digestive juice  that is rich in bicarbonate. It stimulates the stomach to produce pepsin, an enzyme that digests protein, and it also stimulates the liver to produce bile.CCK causes the pancreas to grow and to produce the enzymes of pancreatic juice, and it causes the gallbladder to empty. Nerve Regulators Two types of  nerves  help to control the action of the digestive system. Extrinsic (outside) nerves come to the digestive organs from the unconscious part of the  brain  or from the  spinal cord. They release a chemical called acetylcholine and another called adrenaline. Acetylcholine causes the muscle of the digestive organs to squeeze with more force and increase the push of food and juice through the digestive tract. Acetylcholine also causes the stomach and pancreas to produce more digestive juice. Adrenaline relaxes the muscle of the stomach and intestine and decreases the flow of blood to these  organs. Even more important, though, are the intrinsic (inside) nerves, which make up a very dense network embedded in the walls of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon. The intrinsic nerves are triggered to act when the walls of the hollow organs are stretched by food. They release many different substances that speed up or delay the movement of food and the production of juices by the digestive organs. Sources Your Digestive System and How It Works. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). Updated Sept. 2013. Web.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Change Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Change Rosabeth Moss Kanter Change Management Organisations Must Change and Change quickly INTRODUCTION Rosabeth Moss Kanter is the professor in business at Harvard Business School, where she holds the Ernest L. Arbuckle Professorship. She is known for her classic 1977 study of Tokenism. As a business leader and expert on strategy and leadership for change, she was nominated as the top ten on the list of the â€Å"50 most influential business thinkers in the world†, and she is on the list of the â€Å"100 most important women in America† and the â€Å"50 most powerful women in the world†. Her main concepts include changing organisations, bureaucracy and characteristics of resistance to change. (, 2007) In 1989, she argues that: â€Å" today’s corporate elephants must learn how to dance as nimbly and speedily as mice â€Å". (Burnes, 2004) In other words, she points out that big organisations should change and change quickly to meet the changing environment. This repo rt is going to analyse the key drivers for this statement and find out the reason behind change. This report contains three sections. Section 1 will give definitions to change management and the importance of change. Section 2 is discussions, which is divided into two sub-categories, first part is concerned with the models of change management, and part 2 goes on to show examples of how big organisations keep up with change and the possibilities of failure. This section contains examples of big organisations successfully changed to meet their goals and objectives, while some other organisations stay the same and fail to maintain their strong market position. Section 3 is conclusions. CHANGE MANAGEMENT â€Å" Today’s corporate elephants must learn how to dance as nimbly and speedily as mice if they are to survive in our increasingly competitive and rapidly changing world† (Burnes, 2004) According to Paton it is no surprise that change is also a fact of life within huma n systems. Recent developments in the global economy have catapulted this fact to the forefront of management concerns as well. Therefore, even though Professor Kanter’s statement was mentioned about 18 years ago, it is still valued today. Additionally, Kanter (1989) mentioned that in order for organisations to change, it requires faster action, more flexibility and closer partnerships with employees and customers than typical in the traditional corporate bureaucracy. To quote from her, â€Å"Corporate giants, in short, must learn how to dance†. Therefore, the â€Å" corporate elephants † represents big companies while â€Å" mice â€Å", on the other hand, represents small firms. To summarise her statement above, we could conclude that small firms are more flexible in changing compare with big organisations, because big organisations have more management levels and more bureaucracy; therefore, corporate giants should adapt this ability to change and change qu ickly. More over, the most important reason for organisations to change, is to keep pace with the ever changing business environment and give a good company image to the public that they are keep up dating themselves and stay competitive.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Cultural theory and images Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural theory and images - Essay Example This view is all the more plausible considering the visibility of only four fingers and the lack of symmetry between the two sides of the face – features that are characteristic of leprosy. The cultural background of the viewer will also bear on the impression gathered, for leprosy as a deadly disease is more common in tropical and sub-tropical climes. So, for a European-Caucasian viewer, the painting might speak of acute and terminal stages of tuberculosis. Equally credible is the interpretation that the depiction is that of a survivor in war, with his countenance damaged by a bomb blast. The picture titled Duck/Rabbit, 1899 is quite interesting. For those now aware of the title, the first impression might be either that of a duck or a rabbit but not both. The observer, upon identifying the duck, might go on to study the finer details of the image, in terms of the size and shape of the brush strokes used. He/she might also look at the black and white contrast effectively employed by the painter. The same is applicable to the viewer who sees the rabbit first. But only upon disclosure of the title Duck/Rabbit would the viewer be pressed to find the other animal embedded within. The cultural background of the viewer is bound to have a negligible effect on perception, for the subject is relatively simple and straightforward. The genius of the painter lay not so much in cultural sensibilities as in the clever imaginative conception of the mirror effect between the two animals. The image Weegee, Their First Murder, 1941 is quite complex, in that, each individual in the photo gives a different expression. Some flinch as if in pain, while other show a hint of a smile, and some others just show curiosity, making singular interpretation a arduous task. The only adult in the image is the elegantly dressed lady, other are boys and girls of varying ages. But based on the dressing and

Mobile Website, Product Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Mobile Website, Product Description - Essay Example With the new Saudia mobile website release, new mobile services have been added to meet Saudia customers’ needs. Our newly enhanced booking engine makes the booking procedure extra convenient for our customers. This new release makes travel preparations significantly easier and boarding customers’ flights much faster than any other online or offline channel. The new, modern look with its optimized navigation and new services now offers faster handling of all mobile services. The following are the services provided in the new release: The New Booking service enables customers to search through all Saudia fights according to their preferences, view several fares and flight dates, and purchase tickets accordingly. The tickets will then be sent through e-mail and also to the customer’s phone. In addition, the customer will be able to access the seat selection and meal preference features at the end of the process. The Check-in feature has become faster and more convenient for our customers, as it enables them to perform check-in and obtain an E-Boarding pass, which can be stored in their mobile device as an SMS, e-mail, and or ticket that can be collected from the airport. Booking Services enable customers to check their booking information and flight status, e-mail their itineraries, select seats and meal preferences, and view/edit contact info via the selection of travelers’ details. The following provides descriptions of each booking service: My Seats enables customers to select their seats using a simple map graphic, where they can choose to sit next to a window or aisle seat or to sit at the front or back of the aircraft; additionally, customers can change their seats further through the same function Select Meal preference for departure and return flights to meet the tastes of all customers; customers can select from a wide variety of meals (vegetarian, seafood, low fat, low salt, and even special or

Doing the assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Doing the assignment - Essay Example This trend is exemplified by Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler 1 in which the United States Supreme Court held that antitrust disputes arising from international contracts are arbitrable. The court reached this conclusion against the background of a long line of U.S. cases that considered antitrust law fundamental to the ideological and economic integrity of the United States. 2 Underlying the Supreme Court’s decision in Mitsubishi was the presumption that the arbitrators in the case would respect the imperative provisions of the U.S. Sherman Act (which embodies U.S. antitrust principles), despite the fact that the applicable law in the case was Swiss Law. It thus seems that the increasing acceptance of international arbitration as a legitimate alternative to litigation implies an expectation on the part of States that arbitrators will, like judges, respect the basic notions of justice and in appropriate cases apply the mandatory provisions of relevant laws. It is one thing to grant parties the power to organize their dispute resolution process in a manner compatible with their objectives; it is a different matter to suggest that parties to an international arbitration are entirely free from the demands of public policy and fundamental provisions of relevant laws. 3 The integrity of international arbitration and its endurance as a viable alternative to litigation would seem to rest on arbitrators’ continual respect for public policy of States whose legitimate interests are implicated in arbitration disputes. Arbitrators therefore have to balance their respect for the autonomy of the parties’ will with the need to apply mandatory provisions of laws that are relevant to the dispute. In this chapter, we will examine the impact of mandatory rules in resolving the merits of a dispute before international arbitrators. The problem posed by mandatory rules in international arbitration will be put in perspective by

Thursday, October 17, 2019

General Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

General Psychology - Essay Example Focusing on ways to prevent sleep deprivation and moving toward practices of healthy sleep can assist one with mental, physical and emotional activities through daily life. The importance of sleep begins with the stages of sleep which occur as well as how this affects different stages that one goes through with the activities in the mind. The main cause of sleep is based on wave patterns in your mind that balance the sleeping and waking systems. When the wave patterns slow down, it communicates to the mind that the body should also move slower, which leads to sleep. The result is a slower pattern of brain waves which is required for certain periods of time each night. There are four stages of sleep that are a part of the cycle. Stage 1 is a light sleep where the heart rat slows down and breathing is irregular. Relaxation and alpha waves, a slower brainwave, are the two features of stage 1 sleep. Stage 2 leads to a drop of temperature and spindles of brainwave activity. Stage 3 leads to delta waves in the brain which are larger and slower than other brainwaves. Stage 4 is deep sleep and is typically reached after 1 hour. This is a slow wave of delta and can lead to a lack of consciousness from the brain (Coon, Mitterer, 186). The stages associated with sleeping are an indicator of why sleep is needed as well as what occurs when one gets enough sleep. If one doesn’t receive enough of stage 4 sleep, it can become detrimental to health, both physically and mentally. The body requires the brainwaves to move at a slower pace for a given period of time and to begin to change and relax for given periods of time. Learning, memory and functions that are associated with mental capacity aren’t able to function at full capacity if one doesn’t receive enough sleep. The complications occur with neuronal

Comparing two poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Comparing two poems - Essay Example The poets Stephen Crane and E.E. Cummings each illustrate the negative effects of capitalism and the absurdity of the business of enterprise on common people in poems such as â€Å"The Trees in the Garden Rained Flowers† and â€Å"When Serpents Bargain for the Right to Squirm.† In the poem â€Å"The Trees in the Garden Rained Flowers,† written by Stephen Crane, the speaker becomes an advocate for the poor. The author attempts to make the reader realize the problems faced by poor people because they have few opportunities in life: â€Å"They gathered the flowers / Each to himself. / Now there were some / Who gathered great heaps- / Having opportunity and skill- / Until, behold, only chance blossoms / Remained for the feeble† (Crane, 3-9). These lines refer to the economic fact that people who have skill and money are able to take advantage of possibilities while the poor people have little benefits and few possibilities. The poet uses figurative imagery throughout the poem to relay a visual description of what the speaker is trying to say. The flowers represent economic possibilities, the garden becomes the economy, the children are the common people, the tutor represents advocates for the poor, and the father represents the government. In the narrative of the poem and translating this figurative imagery, an advocate for the poor approaches a governmental representative, and complains about the poor not receiving their fair share of economic possibilities, but the representative tells the advocate that he should not worry because it is right for the strong, and the shrewd to have more opportunities. The speaker says, â€Å"Upon reflection, the tutor bowed to the / ground / ‘My lord,’ he said / ‘The stars are displaced / ‘By this towering wisdom’† (Crane, 25-29). In presenting things this way, Crane exaggerates the government’s reasoning that it is right for the wealthy to have the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Doing the assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Doing the assignment - Essay Example This trend is exemplified by Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler 1 in which the United States Supreme Court held that antitrust disputes arising from international contracts are arbitrable. The court reached this conclusion against the background of a long line of U.S. cases that considered antitrust law fundamental to the ideological and economic integrity of the United States. 2 Underlying the Supreme Court’s decision in Mitsubishi was the presumption that the arbitrators in the case would respect the imperative provisions of the U.S. Sherman Act (which embodies U.S. antitrust principles), despite the fact that the applicable law in the case was Swiss Law. It thus seems that the increasing acceptance of international arbitration as a legitimate alternative to litigation implies an expectation on the part of States that arbitrators will, like judges, respect the basic notions of justice and in appropriate cases apply the mandatory provisions of relevant laws. It is one thing to grant parties the power to organize their dispute resolution process in a manner compatible with their objectives; it is a different matter to suggest that parties to an international arbitration are entirely free from the demands of public policy and fundamental provisions of relevant laws. 3 The integrity of international arbitration and its endurance as a viable alternative to litigation would seem to rest on arbitrators’ continual respect for public policy of States whose legitimate interests are implicated in arbitration disputes. Arbitrators therefore have to balance their respect for the autonomy of the parties’ will with the need to apply mandatory provisions of laws that are relevant to the dispute. In this chapter, we will examine the impact of mandatory rules in resolving the merits of a dispute before international arbitrators. The problem posed by mandatory rules in international arbitration will be put in perspective by

Comparing two poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Comparing two poems - Essay Example The poets Stephen Crane and E.E. Cummings each illustrate the negative effects of capitalism and the absurdity of the business of enterprise on common people in poems such as â€Å"The Trees in the Garden Rained Flowers† and â€Å"When Serpents Bargain for the Right to Squirm.† In the poem â€Å"The Trees in the Garden Rained Flowers,† written by Stephen Crane, the speaker becomes an advocate for the poor. The author attempts to make the reader realize the problems faced by poor people because they have few opportunities in life: â€Å"They gathered the flowers / Each to himself. / Now there were some / Who gathered great heaps- / Having opportunity and skill- / Until, behold, only chance blossoms / Remained for the feeble† (Crane, 3-9). These lines refer to the economic fact that people who have skill and money are able to take advantage of possibilities while the poor people have little benefits and few possibilities. The poet uses figurative imagery throughout the poem to relay a visual description of what the speaker is trying to say. The flowers represent economic possibilities, the garden becomes the economy, the children are the common people, the tutor represents advocates for the poor, and the father represents the government. In the narrative of the poem and translating this figurative imagery, an advocate for the poor approaches a governmental representative, and complains about the poor not receiving their fair share of economic possibilities, but the representative tells the advocate that he should not worry because it is right for the strong, and the shrewd to have more opportunities. The speaker says, â€Å"Upon reflection, the tutor bowed to the / ground / ‘My lord,’ he said / ‘The stars are displaced / ‘By this towering wisdom’† (Crane, 25-29). In presenting things this way, Crane exaggerates the government’s reasoning that it is right for the wealthy to have the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Effective Is Police Stop and Search Essay Example for Free

How Effective Is Police Stop and Search Essay This assessment will focus on Section 1 of The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Stop and Search powers). I will look at the use of stop and search before the Macpherson report and after the Macpherson report and compare how it has changed. The use of stop and search powers allow the police to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, and to prevent more serious crimes occurring generally in public places like a Football match. A police officer can ask what you are doing, why you’re in an area and/or where you’re going. They also have the power to stop and search you if they have ‘reasonable grounds’ to suspect you’re carrying; illegal drugs, a weapon, stolen property or something which could be used to commit a crime, such as a dangerous weapon. You can only be stopped and searched without reasonable grounds if it has been approved by a senior police officer. This can happen if it is suspected that; serious violence could take place, you are carrying a weapon or have used one or you are in a specific location or area. However, you don’t have to answer any questions the police officer asks you. The Police officer will note down seven details these include; Ethnicity, Objective of search, Grounds for search, Identity of the officer carrying out the stop and search, Date, Time and Place. However being searched does not mean you have been arrested, unless any of these factors apply. Sir William McPherson carried out an inquiry in 1999 following an investigation of the murder of Stephen Lawrence. The 18-year-old A-Level student was fatally stabbed in an unprovoked attack as he waited for a bus in Eltham, south London, in April 1993. Nobody, at the time was convicted of his murder. However in 2006 the Metropolitan Polices Acting Deputy Commissioner, ordered a cold case review that led to the convictions of Gary Dobson and David Norris in 2011 they were found guilty by an Old Bailey jury after a trial based on forensic evidence. Scientists found a tiny bloodstain on Dobsons jacket that could only have come from Mr Lawrence. They also found a single hair belonging to the teenager on Norriss jeans. Both men have had previous run-ins with the law; Dobson was jailed for five years in 2010 for drugs trafficking. He is among a small number of men to have been tried twice for the same crime (double jeopardy) after the Court of Appeal quashed his 1996 acquittal for the murder. Norris was convicted in 2002 of a separate allegation of racially threatening behaviour. Allegations of incompetence and racism against Metropolitan police officers that were in charge of the case sparked the original inquiry as did two internal police inquiries which acquitted the Metropolitan itself. In relation to the stop and search there is no actual change in the stop and search powers for the police. However records of all stop and search operation have to be published, and a copy of the record can also be given to the person involved if requested therefore there can be no discriminative reason to stop someone as the police have to provide written reason to the suspect and the police force. The 1981 Brixton riots and the subsequent Scarman report were key factors in the passage of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE). It provides the core framework of police powers and safeguards around stop and search, arrest, detention, investigation, identification and interviewing detainees. The aim of PACE has always been to establish a balance between the powers of the police in England and Wales and the rights of members of the public. Literature Review The immediate effect of Macpherson saw a decline in the use of stop and search. In London, stop and searches fell from 180,000 in 1999/00 to 169,000 the following year. Nationally, the number of stop and searches fell by 21% and then a further 16% from 1998 to 2000. By December 2000, representatives of rank and file officers were saying that Macpherson had damaged morale. Officers, they said, were unprepared to use stop and search out of fear of being labelled racist. So William Hague called for there to be a rise in the use of Stop and Search. This was evident in 2001 when Mr Hague linked a rise in violent street crime in some areas to a drop in stop and searches of black people because police officers feared being called racist. However, this can be argued as many black and Asian people including Stephen Lawrences father, Neville, who filed a complaint after being stopped last year said they were still being unfairly targeted. And in January figures from the Home Office showed that the fall in searches was greatest for white suspects with black people still ive times more likely to be stopped in London than white people. The Equality Act 2010 makes it prohibited for police officers to discriminate against, harass or victimise any person in relation to age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity when using their powers on the ground of protected characteristics (Home Office 2011). This shows they have tried to control the situation of racism in the force and tried to put a stop to it. However racism within the force goes back decades as before 1984 police were allowed to stop and search whoever they wanted therefore it became easier and more of a habit to target people who fit ‘criminal persona’. This laid back approach to stop and search caused problems because police became discriminative to the public which can be shown in the Home office statistics (Police and Criminal Evidence Act, The 1984). Research shows this is still happening today even though the Equality Act 2010 was put forward this is evident in (justice 2010). Black people are 8 per cent more likely than whites to face stop and search. In relation to the McPherson report the Committee said that since the introduction of the report the police have made tremendous strides in the service they provide to ethnic minority communities and in countering racism amongst its own workforce. This is evident in the fact that sixty-seven of Macpherson’s 70 recommendations have been implemented fully or in part in the ten years since his report was published. However the statistics show that there is still racism in the force therefore were McPhersons recommendations needed or could he have focused more on the problem in hand? Many people see that that racist persona of the forces comes from the idea that police officers are hard, tough, and will not tolerate unacceptable behaviour. This is called cop culture which is hard to define as it has moved from discussing about one culture to discussing different cultures such as ‘subculture’, ‘street culture’, ‘patrol culture’, ‘canteen culture’ (It can be defined as where the police share the same sense of identity which evolves around work, hard play and hard drinking), ‘headquarters culture’ and the ‘cardigan squad’ (the soft and fluffy culture). Cop culture can be seen as many different things depending on how you view the police themselves. In Britain the Scarman report in 1981 riots in Brixton was influential and raised the importance of stop and search on young black men who felt they had been unfairly targeted due to their colour. Rowe argues that while not all findings were the ‘militaristic style of policing, with poor public engagement t established recommendations relating to policing for example on training, the role of community policing, lay visitors at police stations, discipline and stop and search’. Rowe also mentions that the recommendations mentioned in the Scarman report were reiterated in the McPherson report almost 20 years later suggests that the recommendations were not effectively implemented in the Scarman report (Rowe 2007:155). However McPherson was more forthright using the term ‘institutional racism’ that Scarman shied away from, making the problem more visible to the public. This is evident when the metropolitan police mishandled the Stephen Lawrence case due to a combination of professional incompetence, institutional racism and a failure of leadership by senior officers’ (McPherson 1999). In terms of police culture, institutional racism was said to incorporate racist stereotyping of black people as potential criminals or troublemakers (McPherson 1999). Taking this into account a racist officer can be seen as an incompetent officer as it is finding a lack of understanding of cultural diversity illustrated in the existence of cultural crisis in the metropolitan police therefore they should be retrained or dismissed. Many people of been very critical of the McPherson report one main criticism is that although McPherson made 70 much needed recommendations for the force he did little to bring justice for the family of Stephen Lawrence which was the reason he originally conducted the inquiry. However 11 years after the inquiry was completed justice was in fact served for the Lawrence family but not due to McPherson’s recommendations. This shows the failings of which the Macpherson Report draws attention too, is in relation to the police investigation into the murder of Stephen Lawrence which is important, but the explanation as to how and why the problems occurred is somewhat limited which needed to be noted as well. This means that he noted the problem of racism but didn’t recommend to put the case back on retrial. The problems identified by McPherson are not only unique to this case or other racial murders; but rather they are related to the social, legal and organisational environments in which this sort of police work should be undertaken at all times. The stop and search has been proven to be a success for the police, the power to stop and search people who they suspect of being involved in crime is an important tactic. It provides a means to confirm or allay suspicions about individuals without exercising their power of arrest. Where the stop and search is employed appropriately and proportionately, it could increase community confidence in the police force and make a positive contribution to reducing the fear of crime. Stop and search has been very successful in relation to knife crime. For example October 2009, more than 380,000 stops and searches have been conducted; 14,700 people have been arrested; and more than 7,500 knives have been recovered. However the stop and search has seen negative attitudes in relation to law-abiding people who feel they have been unjustifiably targeted. These people are less likely to trust the police and co-operate with them when they have a problem, therefore conducting effective policing, becomes much more difficult. There are still concerns in relation to stop and search and through this the equality and human right commissioners are continuing to monitor how the police are using their stop and search powers. They want to see: a reduction in the national figures for race disproportionality in the use of stop and search powers. A reduction in the number of excess stops and searches carried out on black and Asian people. Also forces with high excesses, in particular the Metropolitan Police, taking action to ensure that the powers are being used in a non-discriminatory and lawful manner. They are also monitoring and concentrating on forces that currently have particularly high rates of disproportionality, in particular some southern rural forces, taking action to reduce their race disproportionality ratios. And finally the forces with race disproportionality collaborating and sharing good practice with their neighbours. The lack of ethnic contact outside law enforcement and in the law enforcement needs a clear transformation. The criminal justice system can in no way be prejudice, discriminative, racist or sexist. They are there to keep the public safe and the public has to trust them otherwise the system would fail, the public have to be extremely open-minded. One way to do this is to focus on race awareness training for all police officers in and joining the force. However this strategy has been used before and after the Scarman report and unfortunately made little impact over the decades since. Macpherson is aware of this but fails to adopt a more radical policy agenda directed at the structure and organisation of policing and the relationship between police and ethnic minorities in the law-enforcement situation itself therefore the race problem is still occurring. To conclude many will argue that not much is different before the McPherson report during and after. The statistics show that being of ethnic origin walking the streets you are more likely to be stopped then if you are white, this stereotype needs to be changed and then the force will be less inclined to stop people of this description with little or lack of reason. However there has been a decline in the amount of black and Asian people stopped but also a decline in the amount of officers that use stop and search on regular basis in fear that they will be labelled a racist. The police need to find a balance between being labelled and doing their job to maximise the trust from the public and minimise fear of crime. Therefore the public and force can come together to make the community the safest place possible.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Evaluation of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Cilostazol

Evaluation of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Cilostazol Development and in Vitro-in Vivo Evaluation of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Cilostazol Keywords:Cilostazol; Pharmacokinetics; ER Matrix Tablet; In Vitro Kinetics; ABSTRACT The objective of this research had to manufacture extended release matrix tablet of Cilostazol and to evaluate its in vitro drug release and in vivo absorption. The dosage form was designed by selection of various polymers such as Hypromellose, Kollidon SR, Xanthan gum, Ethyl cellulose, Eudragit Polymers. Microcrystalline cellulose and lactose as dilutents to build matrix tablets and povidone as granulating binders. The tablets were prepared by Direct compression, wet granulation and Melt extrusion techniques. Optimized formulation of Cilostazol matrix tablets was prepared by using 7% HPMC K100M polymer, 39 % MCC, 3% of povidone as binder. Matrix tablets were compressed with optimized free flowing granules of uniform drug content. This in vitro drug release showed the extended the release period up to as per desired specifications. The matrix formed by HPMC, MCC and Povidone had been showed satisfactorily with the controlled resistance. Bioavilability study of this wet granulation do sage formulation in rabbit model showed 24 h sustained drug release in vivo. A correlation (R2= 0.9833) was founded between the in vitro drug release and the in vivo drug absorption. The results suggested that wet granulation with is a satisfactory method to develop a sustained release Cilostazol and it can be Performed therapeutically better than conventional IR dosage form. 1. Introduction In this study the Cilostazol sustained release matrix tablet was developed with various polymers. Since the IR dosage form produces and side effect head of ache due to drug oscillation in plasma. The challenge become to develop a matrix tablets are due to drug morphology and highly insoluble in nature . In the present study, a sustained release dosage form of Cilostazol has been developed that enables less frequent administering of drug . Matrix tablets of Cilostazol were formed by appropriate combination of HPMC and Povidone and lactose monohydrate,MCC and Kollidon K30 was chosen for matrix tablet to extend duration of drug release. Cilostazol and its metabolites are inhibit the platelet aggregation and exert vasodilatory action by inhibiting phosphodiesterase activity and cAMP degradation with a resultant increase in cAMP in platelets and blood vessels The objectives of research were: 1) To analyze the physical and chemical characters of prepared Tablets 2) To elucidate the effect of polymers and to study the release kinetics, 3) in-vivo study for the stable formula. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Materials Cilostazol was obtained from IPCA lab, Mumbai, India. Hypermellose (Methocel K100M CR), Povidone K30 received as a gift sample from Colorcon Pvt Ltd. Kollidon K30 was obtained from BASF. All other Reagents were purchased from local suppliers, India and were of analytical grade. 2.2. Drug and Excipient Interactions Drug Excipient interaction study was investigated by DSC (differential scanning calorimeter). The DSC Thermo gram of only drug and Drug+Excipient mixtures were noted. The samples were separately packed in aluminum cells and kept a set in Metler TA 4000 Thermal analyzer. 2.3. Formulation 1. Dispensing: All the ingredients were dispensed accurately as per formula quantity. 2. Sifting: Measured quantity (refer table no.4.5) of Cilostazol, Microcrystalinecellulose (Avicel PH-101), HPMC K100M, were passed through 30#, Microcrystalinecellulose(PH-102), Aerosil-200, through 40#, yellow oxide of iron and Magnesium stearate were passed through 60# . 3. Mixing: Measured quantity (refer table no.4.5) of Cilostazol, Microcrystalinecellulose (Avicel PH-101), were mixed in polybag for 15 min, to it added yellow oxide of iron and mixed for 5 min. in RMG at 2.4 RPM . 4. Preparation of Binder solution: Measured quantity (refer table no.4.5) of IPA and Water were poured in stainless steel beaker, to it added PVPK-30 with stirring continuously by glass rod till dissolved completely and clear solution is obtained. 5. Wet Granulation: Granules were prepared by wet granulation method in RMG at 2.4 RPM for 15 min, using step 4 binder solution. Prepared granules dried at 60  ºc till LOD reaches less than 2.5% and finally sifted through 30#. 6. Mixing: Mixed the measured quantity (refer table no.4.5) of Microcrystaline cellulose (Avicel PH-102), HPMC K100M, Aerosil-200, in polybag for 15 min with granules obtained in step 5. 7. Lubrication: Above granules are lubricated with measured quantity of magnesium stearate In the trial 5 concentration of HPMC K100M is reduced from 10% to 8% and trials 6,7,8 from 10% to 7% . 2.4. Physical Characterization of Tablets The prepared tablets were subjected to various physical characterization studies. Weight variation test was performed with 20 tablets with an electronic balance. Tablets hardness was determined using Monsanto (Standard type) tablet hardness tester. Thickness was measured by a venier caliper (Mitutoyo, Japan). Friability was calculated using a Roche friabilator (Basel, Switzerland) 2.5. Drug Content of Tablets (Assay by HPLC) Cilostazol USP: Chromatographic Conditions: The drug content of the formulated tablets was estimated by HPLC method. Column: Stainless steel column packed with octadecylsilane silica gel for chromatography ,c18 ,150Ãâ€"4.6 mm,5 µm(Inertsil ODS-3 is suitable) Mobile phase::Acetonitrile:Mthanol:Water(7:3:10by volume), filter and degas. Flow rate: 1.0ml / min Wavelength: 254nm Diluent: Methanol Injection Volume: 10 µl Temperature: 270C ± 10C Retention time: Cilostazol- about 9.4 minutes. Cilostazol was analyzed by HPLC at a wavelength of 254 nm. 2.6. In Vitro Dissolution Studies In-Vitro dissolution Studies (Dissolution analysis by HPLC) Dissolution testing for the amount of drug-substances released was studied using the following dissolution parameters: Table : Dissolution parameters and specifications for Cilostazol Acceptance criteria : As given table no.4.15 Dissolution Parameters:Medium: 900 ml, 0.3% SLS in 6.8 Phophate bufferApparatus: USP Apparatus 2Paddle Speed: 75 RPM Temperature:370C  ± 0.50c. Duration:1,4,8,12,24 hours Chromatographic Conditions: Instrument: HPLC(Hitachi) Column: Stainless steel column packed with octadecylsilane silica gel for chromatography, C-18, 150cmÃâ€" 4.6mm, 5 µm (Inertsil ODS-3 is suitable) Mobile Phase: Acetonitrile:Mthanol:Water(7:3:10 by volume) filter and degas. Flow rate: 1.0 ml/min Wavelength: 254nm Injection Volume: 20 µl Diluent: Methanol, Dissolution Medium Temperature: 270C  ± 10C. The release studies were conducted in duplicate. Mean % cumulative drug release was plotted against time (hours). 2.7. Drug release Kinetics and Mechanism Kinetics of drug release was determined by fitting data to Table 1. Composition of extended release matrix tablet of Cilostazol different models such as zero order (M = kt), first order equation (M = lnM0+ kt), Higuchi model (M = k√t) and KorsemeyerPeppas equation (M = ktn). The value of n = 0.5 denotes case I diffusion (Fickian), 0.5 n = 1, for case II transport and n > 1 for super case II transport. Where M is the amount of drug (%) released after time t; Where M0is the amount of drug released at (0) zero time; k is the release rate constant, n is the exponent. Drug release following particular mechanism is judged by the linearity of plot 2.8. Stability Studies Stability studies were conducted on SR Tablets of select batch to assess their stability with respect to their physical appearance, drug content and release characteristics after storing at 25ËÅ ¡C under 60% relative humidity (RH) and 40ËÅ ¡C under 75% RH for 6 months [8]. 2.9. Pharmacokinetic Evaluation The animal studies were performed as per guidelines for the Care and Use of Animals that were approved by the Animal Ethics Committee. Male rabbits (Albino) with average weight of 2.5 kg were housed in standard cage individual, which well ventilated with air, humidity and temperature control. 50 mg equivalent weight of Cilostazol sustained Release Tablets with and 50mg equivalent weight of Cilostazol 50mg IR tablet was administered to 2 groups orally (N = 4) via silicone rubber gastric intubation tube. A wooden rod was kept between the jaws of rabbit’s mouth. A gastric tube was centrally placed over the hole in mouth (21.22). With the help of gastric intubation tube the tablets were administered in to the stomach of rabbit by set on the tip in it. After administered the oral dose, 5 ml of water was given to facilitate the admittance of the tablets. Rabbits were kept fasting over night but access to water ad libitum; In a heparin zed branule (G22, G24) 2 ml of blood samples were collected, which placed in the marginal ear vein , at each of the pre determined times i.e., 0.25 Hr, 0.5 Hr, 1 Hr, 2 Hr, 4 Hr, 6 Hr, 8 Hr and 24 Hr after administration:Samples were transferred to eppendrof centrifuge tube and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min. The separated organic layer will be collected and evaporate to dryness under a gentle steam of nitrogen gas. The obtained residues will be reconstituted in organic solvent with vortex mixing, from which aliquot will be injected to HPLC system . supernatant plasma was separated and transferred and stored at –20ËÅ ¡C until Analyzed. in to 96 well plate 2.10. In Vivo Data Analysis The maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and the time to reach the maximum concentration (tmax) were directly obtained from the observed values. The area under the curve up to 24 h after administration (AUC) was calculated by the trapezoidal rule from the observed values. 3. Results and Discussion In this study, the matrix tablets were prepred using various types of polymers and different composition. of polymers (Table 1) of matrix forming polymers (HPMC, sodium CMC and MCC) with the help of granulating agent, PVP was used as Binder. In vitro studies conducted for all the formulations. Extended release of drug was in the order of CW1 Figure 1). Rate of drug release was significant (p Figure 1, CW5). It seems the mechanism is by diffusion method. Physical characteristics of matrix tablets were shown in Table 2. There was no any significant burst effect in the optimized HPMC matrix tablets that showed a low possibility of dose dumping and avoids toxicity (in vivo). The Release kinetics of matrix tablets was determined by fitting the drug release data in different established models they are zero order, first order, Higuchi model, Korsemeyer-Peppas equation.Table 3shows values of regression coefficient, release constant and exponent n. First order release data was not satisfactory. The data suggested that kinetics of drug release of DVF5 was best explained by Korsemeyer-Peppas equation (R2= 0.991, n = 0.60). This indicated combined effect of diffusion and erosion mechanism on the release of drug. The stability results of storing at 25ËÅ ¡C/60% RH and 40ËÅ ¡C/75% RH for 6 months as per ICH guidelines evidenced any change in physical parameters and appearance and very slight change in dissolution pattern. Based on the available stability data 2 years shelf life can be provided. Figure 1. In vitro release profile of Cilostazol SR tablets. Table 2. Drug release kinetic of Cilostazol SR tablet formulations. Next, the stable formula were designated for its in vivo test in rabbit. Plasma concentration and pharmacokinetic parameters after oral administration of formulated ER matrix tablet CW5 and Cilostazol IR tablets 50mg were summarized inFigure 2andTable 3. No sustained blood level was observed after oral administration of the IR formulation. The formulated matrix Tablet (CW5) showed significant lowerCmaxthan the IR formulation (P max(tmaxis 6 hr) as compared with immediate release formulation (tmaxis 0.55 hr). The AUC increased from 11190.30 hr*ng/ml to 295396.49 hr*ng/ml for ER tablets. Values of Cmaxand tmaxclearly indicated that the drug release was sustained to about 24 hours after oral administration in rabbits (n = 4). CW5 Tablets maintained prolonged plasma concentration up to about 24 hours. The sustained plasma concentration of new formulation (CW5) indicates its extended drug release in vivo absorption. The Results demonstrated that the hydrophilic polymers were successfully utilized for formulating Cilostazol extended release matrix tablets. By wet granulated with povidone . Moreover the extended release matrix tablets have a unique advantage of lessening chance of dose dumping and to avoid side effects. The investigated extended release matrix tablets were adequate to maintaining constant plasma level of Cilostazol up to 24 hours in rabbits. Figure 2. Profile shows mean plasma concentration of Cilostazol against time, following oral administration of IR tablets and SR Tablets (CW5) to rabbits. Data are represented as mean  ± SD (n = 4). Table 3. Mean ( ±SD) pharmacokinetic parameters of Cilostazol in Rabbits (n = 4) orally administered with IR tablets and ER tablets CW5 (50 mg). 4. Conclusion A new sustained release formulation of Cilostazol has been developed for its in-vitro drug release and in-vivo absorption. Extended release matrix tablet were found to be an effective to maintain the drug level in plasma. Bioavailability studies can be carried out to assess the usefulness of this formulationand in comparison with existing IR products in the market formulations on healthy human volunteers.